Most Revered Former Surpeme Basilei

Scholar Clifford B. Youngblood, Jr.

1st Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2006 - 2008

Recapturing the Vision then moving in the Right Direction through Eagerly Serving People”

Scholar Nigel Williams

Honorary Most Revered Supreme Basileus

Scholar La’Micheal V. Eddie

2nd Most Revered Supreme Basileus Emeritus

2008 - 2010

“The Dawn of a New Day”

The Greatest of Pedagogy through Education Standards & Professionalism utilizing the Seven C’s ” An Extra Special Program of H.O.P.E. Helping Our People Excel

Scholar Bernard F. Postell

3rd Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2010 - 2012

“S.E.T. S.A.I.L. with SSS Queen Elizabeth”

Seeking Excellence Together for a Significant Achievement In Life.

Scholar Wendell L. Levi

5th Most Revered Supreme Basileus


“Let’s Build something T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R.”

TAS OPTIMISTICALLY Growing Effectively Through Health, Education and Refinement

Scholar Dr. G. Lucian Ward

4th Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2012 - 2014

“Take F.L.I.G.H.T. with Mind, Body and Spirit”

Finding Limitless Initiative Globally Heralding Transformation with Mind, Body and Spirit.

Scholar Demetrius T. Snell

6th Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2014 - 2016

“Service Actively through E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N.”

Education, Demonstrating Unity, Culture, and Activism through Influence and Organizational Networking

Scholar Dennis Q. Wright

7th Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2016 - 2017

“Be On Your B.E.A.T.S.”

Becoming Extraordinary, Allegiant, Transparent, and Service-Oriented

Scholar L. Lamont Boyd

9th Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2017- 2018


“Revive. Replenish. Restore.”

Scholar Terrell Saunders

12th Most Revered Supreme Basileus


Premier C.A.S.T.

Scholar Dr. Christopher D. Greggs

10th Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2018 - 2020

A Journey to Excellence:

Securing the Vision with S.T.A.M.I.N.A. to Solidify the Future through S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

Scholar Cleophus M. E. Lewis

11th Most Revered Supreme Basileus

2020 - 2022

Empowering Achievements Strategically for a Global I.M.P.A.C.T.

on the T.R.A.I.N. of EXCELLENCE